Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rich heritage , rich in faith

Church of Ascension
Saint Andrew's junior school

I managed to visit and take a look at my old sch today,certainly it brought about a nostalgia as if It was only yesterday I collected my PSLE results. This place was where I knelt in to pray just before the collection of my PSLE results and this place was where I first placed all my hope in the Lord and He has never failed me until today. It was as if I built an altar there like Jacob did at Bethel.... I went for my first youth camp that same year and there I gave myself completely to God,held no reservations of my own.

Today I'm writing this, placing yet another altar before my God, placing all my hope in Him. Only He knows of what I speak.

With all of my life , with all of my strength
all of my hope is in you.