Saturday, June 11, 2005

How many of us wants revival ??? Whats gonna be of the upcoming healing rally?

People in recent believe I have the gift of healing and evangelism...well you know what I believe? I believe that when the Holy Spirit comes in His full measure and fills the atmosphere around us, Healing I would say is a physical manisfestation. But He is going to cut deep into each one of us with His Holiness when His glory fall in our midst.And that each one of us are His temples,the church in each one of us has to be dealt by God first,and minister to Him in our intimacy with God. WE MUST SEEK GOD'S FACE. God spoke to me when I was in my early teens,"Would you seek my face even you know you'll die seeing Me cos nobody can see God's face and live" .
Talk about if looks could kill...This was very much confirmed when I was reading 'God Chasers'.Are we going seek God even if we know we're gonna die to our flesh? We Singaporeans not only are Kiasu but Kia si... so self-preserving.
When we seek God,He will deal with us and He'll put to death the misdeeds of our sinful nature that hides itself together with our instincts that we actually NEED to live on it,thatz where I reiterate to a previous blog entry asking ourselves as to what we are feeding ourselves with.Our sinful nature has that self defense mechanism that when we chose to break away from it,it lets out itz out-stretched tentacles to bind us back from repentence. But when we acknowledge we are weak and call on God, He is faithful,We'll see whose arms are longer out-stretched to lift us up and embrace us with His love. We have to remain therefore in His love and let it renew,revive reconcile our relationships and bring us to repentence.
If we want a breakthrough,We have to come before God broken a vessel for Him to work through. This verse hit me recently :
12Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.

13Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

14Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalms 19:12-14 KJV)

David, A man after God's heart understood that God was His strength and His Lord. Lord to Him meant God had a governing and authorative rulership over His life and that God just wanted Him to live that holy life but David acknowledged that God would also grant Him the strength to and He knew God was His redeemer, I guess He knew His decendent would redeem the world with His blood. Well,what does it look like to you the relationship between God and David for God to say David was man after His heart.

I say that the church's upcoming rally will be like any average service,maybe a lil betta than we are optimistic and are expectant cos we need God to meet our needs there. why there? unless we are going to seek God's face and let ourselves melt in His Holiness,the rally will be as like any service,a lil hype for a while, and gradually itz gone with the wind. But if we are going to seek God's with such a zealous heart and fall in such intimacy with God and know His heart,His consuming fire will be in us,when the wind blows, the fire spreads!!! People will be affected by Him in you cause they can feel the heat wave.It'll tug on their hearts that whateva that isnt of God in them will be consumed and they will just fall in the presence of a Holy God.The ark of the covenant was carried by the priests!!! and we are His Royal pristhood to Minister before the Lord.
Remember that it was in the period when Samuel was ministering before the Lord that He let Samuel hear His voice and revealed His Heart's cry to Him. Ministering isn't what we always think is serving in a ministry.Ministering before God is a sweet communion, a deep intimacy with the Lord.We have to minister before the Lord and then can we minister to the people.A ministry is birthed from ministering and being ministered to by the lord.


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