Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Segregationistic approach answered ...

I wonder why our very nature carries in itself doubt and disbelief that God wants to work through us instead of us having to strive, strive to prove our self worth, strive to please God, strive to please people, strive to attain success.
Need we strive like the world does?Need we prove anything?Need we do things by ourselves when God has sent the Holy Spirit? We see working ourselves crazy and say itz reality that we are what we make of ourselves and thatz it...We just somehow think that we have to get by the thing called 'life' by our means and when the going really gets a lil too tough we throw in the towel and thatz when we let God handle the problem. Eh...who do you think God is? Your servant uh? call Him, He come liddat izzit? When life relac relac...wherez God? *shrugs*. Yes, God will intervene when we admit we cant do it but the fact is we really cant do anything by ourselves! We say we solved so many of own problems sometimes wad not that I cant do anything wad! Have you looked carefully whose footprints were in the sand through those times? He carried you through and you thought, I did it!!! the 'I' factor always pops up.
And God waits patiently..."When will my children know that I love them with an unconditional love?you really do not need to do anything to prove yourselves. Why do they speak of Grace and not know My hand is outstretched to work through them in ALL circumstances.Just Let your Father fix the kite He bought with the price of His son,Itz only because of His Son we have a relationship through the Holy Spirit to become sons of God,You just need to thrust (trust) the kite up and the wind takes it higher and Your Father is pleased to see His handiwork in motion as the kite goes higher with Him in control of it and you just hold on together with Him,and you enjoy the benefits". The kite flying trip is like our relationship with God.The kite represents our lives that God gives to us. We can either choose to fix the kite alone or let your Father fix it for you and who is going to take control of it.Our Father too is the wind that takes us up with Him and all we have to do is trust our lives in His hands and take control of it, the string is our very attitude and confidence in God our heavenly Father, the measure of faith to take us higher when He is in control not holding back an inch. but a full surrender! but if We think we can maintain our kites with a confidence in ourselves we can fly much higher? We might have to go through the school of hard knocks of kite flying which will tell us that our Father is always right.
That may not be the best of an analogy but the point Im getting at is that we do not have to do do do...Jesus said done! and by that we who believe that God so love us enough to give up His only son for a sinful person such as myself,and all I have to do is acknowledge Jesus as my LORD and SAVIOUR redeeming my life with His own and conquering sin,sickness and death by His resurrection. We claim God's Lordship over our lives and whatever that is ours are now His, and we are indebted to Him. Why then do we think we have a life of our own? why do we think there is a distinction between God and reality of life of which we have to earn merit of to attain acceptence and prove ourselves,and face life out on our own...God created the very reality of kinsship made for us so that we do not have to prove anything of ourselves for Him to love us. We have to ask ourselves what was the experience of our salvation like when we accepted Jesus into our lives... I certainly hope it wasn't about fear of going to hell that cause us to impulsively make that decision.
We have to take up our crosses by laying down of ourselves and crucifying it with Jesus everyday. Meaning to surrender all that we are with Jesus and we will be quickened by His Holy Spirit who raised Jesus,complete in us His purpose and reveal to us an identity idiosyncratic to the very meritocracy of our societal demands.
We are His Children, not longer slaves to sin and the law or even to these meritocratic principles and We are simply to live,imitating Christ as dearly loved children as we have received the Spirit of sonship.


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