Attitude of Worship
My unbelieving colleague asked me "everytime you all go church do wad uh?"
My apt reply was "worship God lo"
and to that he queried further asking "how do you worship God?"
and again I responded with another apt reply "pray lo...sing song lo"
now he comment with "so Jacky Chueng and Aaron kwok also worshipping God lah since they're also singing songs"
That hit me for awhile realising that sometimes many of us are so caught up with just singing nice songs and not give the glory to whom the songs were composed n sung for,Jesus. When we're so caught up with how nice songs, we're glorifying the people who composed the songs and sang it...and singing along makes things no difference making church and K-box alike just that our songs have the words God in them.Well secular songs too are coming out with songs with the word God in them too with a misconception that He is a girl so we who say "ya la ya la...I know la..." really know God? and some will say "sing only mah, later I pray also worship God wad", well there is a time for prayer and therez a time to worship God with our singing,thatz not worship!
21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." (John 4:21-24
Jesus knew that the Jews were so caught up with religion and legalism,but though they know in their religion they know who they're worshipping, theyre hearts are not in the right place and Jesus was telling the samaritan woman of the opening of doors that we do not need a place of worship confined on the mountain where I can say itz their "church". But even in Jerusalem,the jew supposedly His own people in their "churches" just couldnt accept Jesus but cling on to the religion they have so tightly that their worship was no doubt to God but God was in their midst yet they couldnt recognise cause they're just worshipping to God in religion and not in a relationship.
So then I ask, Are we really worshipping?what qualifies then to be called worship?
what does worshipping in spirit and in truth mean to you?
hey mervin.. wow.. yet again another good blog entry of yours.. amen to what u said.. cheers..
hey dude! so long no post le? y ahrz?
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